Permanent Resident Portal
Are you looking to settle down in Canada? You might have heard the word Permanent resident, PR. When you get permanent residence permit in Canada, you get the right to live, work, or study wherever you want around the country. However there is a question, the pinches your brain, how you get a permanent residency and get your life in order.
The Canada Permanent Resident Portal is the solution to all your problems and questions. We get into the details of how the portal works, what are the requirements of permanent residency in Canada.

Permanent Resident Portal Login
The PR login page is used to login to the portal where you can you manage your PR status if you have been given permanent residency, you also ask particular queries related to your residency. This portal was developed and managed by IRCC which is a public sector department responsible for the supervision of immigration, citizenship, and refugees in Canada. Here is below list of tasks you can perform on the IRCC permanent resident portal:
- You can make a request for permanent resident card after receiving the status of permanent residency
- You can apply for permanent travel document which will allow you to travel outside Canada even if you don’t have PR card when you are entering Canada.
- You can conveniently confirm your PR status.
- You can update your personal information
- You can use the option to declare your physical presence in Canada.
The portal has become a necessary tool for everyone n Canada. It help fulfill your PR obligations as a PR and helps you manage your PR status.

PR Tracker Login
The Permanent Residence login tracker is used to check the status of the PR confirmation. Because after applying for PR, it is important to track the approval. As receiving and replying to the email quickly is the key in getting this sorted.
Follow below steps to check the status:
- Choose from the options, as to what did you apply for.
- It will give you 2 ways to check your status
- You can create an online account and link it to your existing IRCC secure account, OR,
- You can use the client application status tool, it will let you check the status easily,
You just need to gather all the document required where there is unique number given.

Permanent Resident Portal Representative
Representatives are those people who can give you advice on your immigration or options for citizenship. These representatives can be consultants, lawyers, family members or third parties.
- They can help you opt for the most suitable immigration programs for you
- They will get you through the application filling and submission process
- They talk to the government on your behalf as they represent you
- When there is a hearing for citizenship or immigration, they will represent you

Permanent Resident Portal Payment
All fees are not necessarily required to be paid online. But for permanent resident fees is paid online, other payment methods are not accepted The fees that have various types are, new paper and citizenship paper, applications for online permanent residence, for passport and travel document services, and for the right of permanent residence fees.
Below are the steps that you need to follow before payment for a specific task.
- Firstly check whether you are eligible or not, because you might end up paying wrong fee for something you don’t need.
- Have your payment card ready, it does not have to be in your name, you can pay with any type of card.
- Pay your fees,
- Always add your receipt to your application, if you are applying online.

Permanent Resident Portal Contact Number
They have a strong customer support team, you call them whenever you want. The number is 1-888-242-2100
Permanent Resident Confirmation Portal
When you have got a permanent residence, the portal will send an electronic confirmation of your permanent residency on the system, in order for you to provide proof of your new status in Canada.
If you are in Canada and your residence status is approved, you will get two email from them. The first one will for some basic information required to them, the other one will confirm on your residence approval.
Here is how you can know about your permanent residence confirmation status through the portal.
- Login to the portal
- Opt for confirmation of permanent residence in a category
- Now make a confirmation that you are in Canada
- Now enter your address in Canada
- Capture and Upload a photo of yourself
- Lastly, receive your permanent residency card

Can Spouse Travel Outside After Permanent Residence Confirmation Portal
Yes your spouse can travel outside the country after the residence confirmation portal, because your spouse’s PR card will be on its way, your can get a travel document by putting up a request on the portal, after you receive that document, you will be allowed to enter Canada without any hassle.

How To Reply IRCC Permanent Residence Confirmation Portal Email
You will receive a permanent residency confirmation email response on the email you have provided on the portal. There is an attached PDF for you to review as to how you will process after the residence confirmation email. You need to read the document carefully to understand what they information they want from you. Now that you have read, HIT reply on the email, fill in the information in the document to send it as soon as possible. Now you just need to wait for their next response. Unless and until is something wrong, they might ask for more information like eye color, height and so on.

Is GCKEY Same As Permanent Residence Portal
No they are not the same, they totally different from each other. The big differences are as follows:
- There is an interface difference, IRCC is much more simpler. GCKEY is complicated and with many options.
- IRCC is limited when it comes to adding documents, while it is otherwise in GCKEY.
- In IRCC you have to mention your US visa number, if you have it, otherwise not needed.
- The processing time is same for both portals.
- On IRCC, you have to mention you sibling information for visit visa.
Is There A Portal For Canadian Permanent Residence?
There are many portal for PR in Canada, one is IRCC portal and the other is GCKEY. Both have their own advantage and disadvantage. As many of their features are already discussed in the above topic.
Why Is The Canada Permanent Residence Portal Important
The significance and worth of PR portal is high because it has the all the functions brought together at one place. It means the system has been centrally accessible for the users.
Here are some key features that renders it the best in town.
- It is convenient to use. All you need is an internet connection and your online account. You can access it from anywhere in the world. No hassle of going to physical offices.
- The system is secure. You can confidently share all your data with the IRCC. Your information is safe and no fear if breach is there.
- It is also efficient. The portal has been able to streamline many processes that would otherwise take longer to when performed though conventional ways. For instance, you can apply very fast by apply through the portal for a PR card.
Tips for Canada Permanent Residence Portal
- Check your email regularly, especially if you are waiting for the final approval, IRCC will send important email, inquiries, updates to keep your process going until they are finalized.
- Keep your information updated always. Which includes your email and physical address. You will be at least sure that you will get all your necessary information and updates in time.
- Always use the proper guidelines for the photo. You will not have to retake photos in case there is a fault. It will speed up your application status.
- Keep a secure password. Do not use easy passwords like your name or birthdays, or anything that can be guessed. Always use special characters to avoid educated guesses by the bad guys.
- Whenever you are stuck in something, just contact the IRCC help desk. They are there to guide you through the steps and processes.
The IRCC Portal has been enabling hundreds of immigrants in their quest to get citizenship, permanent residency, or works permits. It allows them to complete their processes through a simplified online process that requires no physical or mental exhaustion. All is available under one roof with the complete support of official help who are always ready to guide an lead their respective applicant.